Thursday, November 4, 2010


Hi all. I'm writing this post from my computer at work... it will be breif. I've been really busy working usually from 8am-5pm every day. Thursdays I only work afternoons which is awesome! Ben is going back home to the US tomorrow which is disappointing. He has been having trouble getting a job since arriving in VN, and now it makes sense for him to just go back home. The reason he can't get a job is pretty ridiculous- cause he's Asian (Korean). Despite being brought to the US at 9 months old, Ben is not seen as an American, just as all others who aren't white. The reason for Vietnam's narrow thinking in this regard is because there is virtually no diversity in the country. Only about 1% of residents aren't Vietnamese: all Vietnamese citizens are Asian. Thus, the Vietnamese don't understand that there are more skin colors in America than just white- bringing a serious disadvantage to Asian, black, Indian, or Spanish native English speakers who wish to teach English here.

But anyway, now I have to find a one-bedroom apartment, which will of course be more expensive than sharing a 2-bedroom. Worst of all I will be alone here! Well I have a few friends, and I'll meet more people so I know I'll manage. BUT.... Christmas will be slightly depressing. A simple solution to this is for someone to VISIT!!! I'll end on that note :)







  1. Max, what a lesson in bigotry! So sorry to hear you'll lose your friend but just a thought- before you give up the apt., can you go back to the organization and see if they have a way to contact other people who might be looking to share an apt? Love Aunt Karen

  2. Hi Max . . . sorry to hear Ben will be going home . . . I agree that it doesn't seem to make any sense that it is so hard to find a job (or not find a job) simply do to your ethnicity.
    I think Aunt Karen has a good idea. I like the idea of you sharing an apartment with someone. You know I wish I could visit . . . you are missed!!! xxoo
    I Love You,


  3. FYI - we are now on standard time here in the US.
